Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Coming Soon...

Our little baby is 11cm from bum to head. That's about 4.5 inches.
It's feet and hands are crossed over it's little gummi bear-like body.
It's little heart is thumping away at 174 bpm.
It’s still too early to know if we’ll be having a girl or a boy, but I’ll start taking guesses if anyone’s interested.

We have been pretty lucky in our first trimester. I was really sick for about 5 days, but we seem to be past that yuckiness and we haven’t come across any other issues.

We learned so much at our first Doctor’s appt yesterday! Our awesome OB/GYN Dr. Judd busted and verified some of the big pregnancy dos and don’ts and really made me feel comfortable with everything. With all the craziness, it’s hard to know what is true, and what is paranoia. Here are just a few things we found helpful/interesting.

“You can’t lift anything more than a gallon of milk” –BUSTED. You use your abdominal muscles, your lower back muscles and your biceps to lift and carry. In no way is your uterus in use at this time and the baby can’t even feel what you’re doing. If you have the muscle strength for it, you can lift/carry it.
 “You can’t eat fish” – BUSTED. You can’t eat MERCURY! Mercury is found in things like swordfish and shark. Who eats swordfish or shark? You can still have sushi and tuna fish. But just like EVERYTHING else in this world, do so in moderation.
“You can’t hot tub or take hot baths, because you’ll cook your baby” –BUSTED. In order for your baby to be affected at all by the heat from a bath tub or hot tub, you would have to have major burns on your body first.
 “You can’t take most medications.” –TRUE. Any medicine you may need should be discussed with your Dr. Things like ibuprofen and aspirin thin your stomach lining and could be really harmful to your pregnancy. Most medicines, even OTC, have the possibility of having an adverse affect on you and your baby.
“Now you’re eating for 2”-FALSE. When pregnant you only need to eat about 300 extra calories per day for your growing baby, and you only need about 30 fat grams in the same time. FYI, 30 fat grams is about 1 scoop of Baskin Robin’s ice cream.
“You’ll want to sleep ALL the time” –TRUE. With no effort, the baby takes up 25% of your energy every day. Most people operate on about 80% energy on a daily basis anyway. Take 25% away from that and you’re stuck trying to work full time, and take care of yourself and your family on 55% energy levels. The sad part is, it doesn’t matter what you eat or how much you sleep, the tiredness doesn’t go away. And it won’t until after 22ish weeks.

2 sayings to live by to have a fun and happy pregnancy…
“I can do anything I want as long as it’s not harmful to me. I can’t harm this baby without harming myself first”
“Now is the time to play, go out with my husband, and do the things we love, because in a year, I’ll have to find someone dumb enough to babysit if I want to go out.”

We are so excited for this chapter in our lives and are so thankful for the support of our friends and family!


  1. Congrats you two!!! :) :) Ohh, I'm so excited!! This little kid is going to be so cute!! I'd love to babysit when he/she gets here! :)

    Love, Me.

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAH! its about stinkin time! i pretty much cried when I read this. I am SOOOO happy for you! you are gonna be the perfect mommy!!

  3. Yay!!! Congratulations!!!
    Isn't Dr Judd the best?? He is my favorite!!!! Oh and Elliot and I are dumb enough to babysit for you anytime :-)
