Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

38 Week Appt - BIG NEWS

Monday was our 38 week check up with Dr. Judd. It went a little like this....

Greet the nurse - "Seems like I just saw you guys! Oh wait, I did!" haha we love our nurses at Dr. Judd's office! They're so friendly and helpful. We couldn't have asked for better people to help us along this journey!
Pee in a cup.. again.
Step on the scale - didn't gain anything this time. (a sign she's 'bout ready)
Talk to the nurse - I asked how long Dr. Judd will usually let you go past your due date if you go overdue. She said usually no more than a week because your placenta just isn't that great at it's job after 40 weeks. She also said in order to be induced you have to be what they call "inducable" meaning your body has to be showing signs that it is preparing for labor and delivery (dilating, effaced, etc..)
Went in to see Dr. Judd - He did a pelvic exam and declared that I am, indeed, inducable... already! We talked about our options. He said we could wait it out and see when she wants to come, or he could induce me anytime starting Nov. 1st. He suggested being induced because 1) Why would you want to be pregnant any longer than you have to? and 2) You can schedule it, go in, get your epidural, then be induced, and avoid as much pain as possible. We also discussed which hospital would best suit our needs for delivery. My insurance will cover UVRMC, Timpanogas, or Orem Community. Of the 3, Dr. Judd suggested Orem Community because they are a maternity focused hospital so they really know what they're doing. And they're only one floor so you don't ever have to move rooms.
Tiave & I chatted -  We decided to be induced on Nov. 1st so that he could plan to have plenty of time off work and so that I could finish out the week at work and still have time for last minute prep and sleep. We also decided that Orem Community was the place to be because... well, why not?
Scheduling time - We let the scheduling lady know we wanted to be induced on the first. She called us later that evening to let us know we were all set for 5 a.m. that day. Yuck. But we'll take it :) She should be here by dinner time.

Questions I keep getting:

1: Are you ready?
-Is this a trick question? I don't think you can really be "ready" for something like this. But we are as ready as we'll ever be I suppose. So... yes?
2: Do you still want her to come earlier than that?
-I thought so at first, but I'm really liking the plan we have set up and I really hope it stays the way it is.
3: Are you getting induced and going to Orem just because your Dr. said to?
-Yes and No. Yes because that would be a perfectly good reason to do what I'm doing. I trust my Dr. 100%. If I didn't... we'd have a problem. No because I did actually do my research on inductions and Orem Community hospital and came to my own opinion as well. It just so happens to match up with Dr. Judd's. So there.

So... instead of going in for our 39 week appt on Monday, we'll just meet Dr. Judd at the hospital at 5 a.m. next Thursday. We'll get checked in and comfortable. He'll give me my epidural, then an IV of oxytocin (the hormone naturally released by your body to put you into labor) We'll labor all day and she'll probably arrive just in time for dinner.
If you feel like visiting, that's probably fine. Just text me or Tiave and see how things are before you do, please :) We'd love to see everyone, but understand that it's going to be a taxing few days and we may need some time to ourselves as well.


  1. Ahhhhhhh this is so exciting!!!!!!! Congrats, good luck, and I know everyone is saying this, but if you need anything (food? blankets?) I can help out. :) Love you both!!!!

    Love, Me.

  2. you will LOVE orem community! there is no doubt my babies will be born there :) so exciting!! cant wait for you, lots of pics k????

  3. I was induced with both of mine and it went very quickly and smoothly, so I'm hoping the same goes for you! Also good choice on Orem Community - I delivered Molly there and it was so so nice. The staff is super great and the rooms are enormous. Also they have a "dad's room" stocked with snacks, movies, even frozen pizzas! Make sure Tiave knows about that. Good luck!!!

  4. Uh... I'm totally gonna come see you and your baby! I'll text you and make sure that it's okay! I'm so excited for you Nae! Congrats! Can't wait to meet her!!
