Blog Description
This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
She's Here!
Savanna Renae Tuputeata Matagi
Born: October 29th, 2012, 7:51 a.m.
Weight: 7 lbs, 3 oz
Length: 20 inches
Apgar: 9 at 1 min. 9 at 5 min.
Around 11:30 p.m. on the 28th I noticed some bleeding, so we headed straight to the hospital. We checked right in and the nurses realized that the placenta had begun to pull away from the uterus. Then my water broke and the contractions began to get harder. They moved me to a labor and delivery room, let me go potty, then got me my epidural. Once it kicked in, I couldn't feel my contractions at all. Because of the placenta abruption, the nurses started me on pitocin to try to hurry things up a little bit. I labored peacefully and rested for the next 7ish hours. Early in the morning baby's girls heart rate suddenly dropped from the 150s to the 20's. The nurses quickly came in, got me on my hands and knees, and got an oxygen mask going. After what seemed like forever, her heart rate came right back up. They stopped the pitocin and I dilated from a 7 to a 10 in less than an hour. We pushed for about an hour to get her to crown, waited for the Dr. to come catch her, then pushed a couple more times and she was here! They took her and wiped her down while I finished up with the Dr. then they handed her right to Tiave who brought her to me. I couldn't have asked for a better experience and I wouldn't change a thing.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
38 Week Appt - BIG NEWS
Monday was our 38 week check up with Dr. Judd. It went a little like this....
Greet the nurse - "Seems like I just saw you guys! Oh wait, I did!" haha we love our nurses at Dr. Judd's office! They're so friendly and helpful. We couldn't have asked for better people to help us along this journey!
Pee in a cup.. again.
Step on the scale - didn't gain anything this time. (a sign she's 'bout ready)
Talk to the nurse - I asked how long Dr. Judd will usually let you go past your due date if you go overdue. She said usually no more than a week because your placenta just isn't that great at it's job after 40 weeks. She also said in order to be induced you have to be what they call "inducable" meaning your body has to be showing signs that it is preparing for labor and delivery (dilating, effaced, etc..)
Went in to see Dr. Judd - He did a pelvic exam and declared that I am, indeed, inducable... already! We talked about our options. He said we could wait it out and see when she wants to come, or he could induce me anytime starting Nov. 1st. He suggested being induced because 1) Why would you want to be pregnant any longer than you have to? and 2) You can schedule it, go in, get your epidural, then be induced, and avoid as much pain as possible. We also discussed which hospital would best suit our needs for delivery. My insurance will cover UVRMC, Timpanogas, or Orem Community. Of the 3, Dr. Judd suggested Orem Community because they are a maternity focused hospital so they really know what they're doing. And they're only one floor so you don't ever have to move rooms.
Tiave & I chatted - We decided to be induced on Nov. 1st so that he could plan to have plenty of time off work and so that I could finish out the week at work and still have time for last minute prep and sleep. We also decided that Orem Community was the place to be because... well, why not?
Scheduling time - We let the scheduling lady know we wanted to be induced on the first. She called us later that evening to let us know we were all set for 5 a.m. that day. Yuck. But we'll take it :) She should be here by dinner time.
Questions I keep getting:
1: Are you ready?
-Is this a trick question? I don't think you can really be "ready" for something like this. But we are as ready as we'll ever be I suppose. So... yes?
2: Do you still want her to come earlier than that?
-I thought so at first, but I'm really liking the plan we have set up and I really hope it stays the way it is.
3: Are you getting induced and going to Orem just because your Dr. said to?
-Yes and No. Yes because that would be a perfectly good reason to do what I'm doing. I trust my Dr. 100%. If I didn't... we'd have a problem. No because I did actually do my research on inductions and Orem Community hospital and came to my own opinion as well. It just so happens to match up with Dr. Judd's. So there.
So... instead of going in for our 39 week appt on Monday, we'll just meet Dr. Judd at the hospital at 5 a.m. next Thursday. We'll get checked in and comfortable. He'll give me my epidural, then an IV of oxytocin (the hormone naturally released by your body to put you into labor) We'll labor all day and she'll probably arrive just in time for dinner.
If you feel like visiting, that's probably fine. Just text me or Tiave and see how things are before you do, please :) We'd love to see everyone, but understand that it's going to be a taxing few days and we may need some time to ourselves as well.
Greet the nurse - "Seems like I just saw you guys! Oh wait, I did!" haha we love our nurses at Dr. Judd's office! They're so friendly and helpful. We couldn't have asked for better people to help us along this journey!
Pee in a cup.. again.
Step on the scale - didn't gain anything this time. (a sign she's 'bout ready)
Talk to the nurse - I asked how long Dr. Judd will usually let you go past your due date if you go overdue. She said usually no more than a week because your placenta just isn't that great at it's job after 40 weeks. She also said in order to be induced you have to be what they call "inducable" meaning your body has to be showing signs that it is preparing for labor and delivery (dilating, effaced, etc..)
Went in to see Dr. Judd - He did a pelvic exam and declared that I am, indeed, inducable... already! We talked about our options. He said we could wait it out and see when she wants to come, or he could induce me anytime starting Nov. 1st. He suggested being induced because 1) Why would you want to be pregnant any longer than you have to? and 2) You can schedule it, go in, get your epidural, then be induced, and avoid as much pain as possible. We also discussed which hospital would best suit our needs for delivery. My insurance will cover UVRMC, Timpanogas, or Orem Community. Of the 3, Dr. Judd suggested Orem Community because they are a maternity focused hospital so they really know what they're doing. And they're only one floor so you don't ever have to move rooms.
Tiave & I chatted - We decided to be induced on Nov. 1st so that he could plan to have plenty of time off work and so that I could finish out the week at work and still have time for last minute prep and sleep. We also decided that Orem Community was the place to be because... well, why not?
Scheduling time - We let the scheduling lady know we wanted to be induced on the first. She called us later that evening to let us know we were all set for 5 a.m. that day. Yuck. But we'll take it :) She should be here by dinner time.
Questions I keep getting:
1: Are you ready?
-Is this a trick question? I don't think you can really be "ready" for something like this. But we are as ready as we'll ever be I suppose. So... yes?
2: Do you still want her to come earlier than that?
-I thought so at first, but I'm really liking the plan we have set up and I really hope it stays the way it is.
3: Are you getting induced and going to Orem just because your Dr. said to?
-Yes and No. Yes because that would be a perfectly good reason to do what I'm doing. I trust my Dr. 100%. If I didn't... we'd have a problem. No because I did actually do my research on inductions and Orem Community hospital and came to my own opinion as well. It just so happens to match up with Dr. Judd's. So there.
So... instead of going in for our 39 week appt on Monday, we'll just meet Dr. Judd at the hospital at 5 a.m. next Thursday. We'll get checked in and comfortable. He'll give me my epidural, then an IV of oxytocin (the hormone naturally released by your body to put you into labor) We'll labor all day and she'll probably arrive just in time for dinner.
If you feel like visiting, that's probably fine. Just text me or Tiave and see how things are before you do, please :) We'd love to see everyone, but understand that it's going to be a taxing few days and we may need some time to ourselves as well.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Pregnancy Pain: Let's Talk About It
Today I've decided to post a little about what I have learned about pregnancy.
Disclaimer: I am NOT and expert. I am simply sharing what I have learned from my Dr., other pregnant women, and the internet.
When you are pregnant, or looking to get pregnant you will have LOTS of questions. So, I'm going to address some of the questions I had and hope that I can be of help to some of you.
Let's start with my most recent discovery... Sciatic Nerve Pain.
Walking around the Zoo one day I started to have rather severe pain in my right thigh and butt cheek. For me, it felt like I had pulled a muscle... but then it went away. and came back. and went away. So at my next Dr's appt. I asked about it. Dr. Judd informed me that it was Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica). He said it's very common during pregnancy and is caused by the baby's head putting pressure on your sciatic nerve.
So... how do you know if you have sciatica?
1: It can feel like a pulled muscle, your leg is falling asleep, or just plain hurt.
2: It is most likely only on one side, and is probably your right side (95% of the time anyway)
3: It comes and goes - not constant pain
4: It can range from uncomfortable to debilitating.
And.. how do you make it go away?
-You don't. But here are some tricks to find relief
1: Lie down on the opposite side of the pain to relieve pressure
2: Soak in a warm bath, then put a cold compress on the pain. The heat will relax your muscles, and the cold with draw away any inflammation.
3: Get a prenatal massage/chiropractic adjustment
4: Wear a maternity belt
When do you worry about it?
-You don't. It is not harmful to you or the baby, it just sucks.
Next on today's list... Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
Lying in bed one night, I went to roll over onto my other side. After attempting to swing my legs over and experiencing bone shattering pain... I decided something was wrong. After lots of research I found that I had PGP and that I was fine... it just sucked. (seeing a theme here?)
So... how do you know you have PGP?
1: The pain will be generalized in your back and pelvis.
2: It's JOINT pain, not muscle pain
3: It will probably be accompanied by pain in your back and hips
And... how do you make it go away?
-You don't. You can try finding relief by...
1: Acupuncture
2: Place a heating pad on it
3: Wear a maternity belt when you'll be standing or walking - (this one worked GREAT for me)
When do you worry?
1: When your Dr. tells you to. If you have or think you have PGP let your Dr. know. He/She can monitor the pain and let you know if it is PGP or something else like Symphsis Pubic Disfunction. PGP is nothing to worry about, but SPD could be.
No matter the pain you're feeling, my best advice is to TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Every woman is different. Every pregnancy is different. It's better to call and ask about it and find out it's no big deal than to not ask about it and realize all too late that you have a real problem. Most problems - if addressed in a timely manner - can be handled and treated safely.
If you happen to be reading this blog and have questions about something going on in your pregnancy that you'd like more info on, let me know. Or if you think there's something pregnant women should be more educated on, I'd be happy to share what I know and find some more credible resources for you to check out as well!
Disclaimer: I am NOT and expert. I am simply sharing what I have learned from my Dr., other pregnant women, and the internet.
When you are pregnant, or looking to get pregnant you will have LOTS of questions. So, I'm going to address some of the questions I had and hope that I can be of help to some of you.
Let's start with my most recent discovery... Sciatic Nerve Pain.
Walking around the Zoo one day I started to have rather severe pain in my right thigh and butt cheek. For me, it felt like I had pulled a muscle... but then it went away. and came back. and went away. So at my next Dr's appt. I asked about it. Dr. Judd informed me that it was Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica). He said it's very common during pregnancy and is caused by the baby's head putting pressure on your sciatic nerve.
So... how do you know if you have sciatica?
1: It can feel like a pulled muscle, your leg is falling asleep, or just plain hurt.
2: It is most likely only on one side, and is probably your right side (95% of the time anyway)
3: It comes and goes - not constant pain
4: It can range from uncomfortable to debilitating.
And.. how do you make it go away?
-You don't. But here are some tricks to find relief
1: Lie down on the opposite side of the pain to relieve pressure
2: Soak in a warm bath, then put a cold compress on the pain. The heat will relax your muscles, and the cold with draw away any inflammation.
3: Get a prenatal massage/chiropractic adjustment
4: Wear a maternity belt
When do you worry about it?
-You don't. It is not harmful to you or the baby, it just sucks.
Next on today's list... Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
Lying in bed one night, I went to roll over onto my other side. After attempting to swing my legs over and experiencing bone shattering pain... I decided something was wrong. After lots of research I found that I had PGP and that I was fine... it just sucked. (seeing a theme here?)
So... how do you know you have PGP?
1: The pain will be generalized in your back and pelvis.
2: It's JOINT pain, not muscle pain
3: It will probably be accompanied by pain in your back and hips
And... how do you make it go away?
-You don't. You can try finding relief by...
1: Acupuncture
2: Place a heating pad on it
3: Wear a maternity belt when you'll be standing or walking - (this one worked GREAT for me)
When do you worry?
1: When your Dr. tells you to. If you have or think you have PGP let your Dr. know. He/She can monitor the pain and let you know if it is PGP or something else like Symphsis Pubic Disfunction. PGP is nothing to worry about, but SPD could be.
No matter the pain you're feeling, my best advice is to TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Every woman is different. Every pregnancy is different. It's better to call and ask about it and find out it's no big deal than to not ask about it and realize all too late that you have a real problem. Most problems - if addressed in a timely manner - can be handled and treated safely.
If you happen to be reading this blog and have questions about something going on in your pregnancy that you'd like more info on, let me know. Or if you think there's something pregnant women should be more educated on, I'd be happy to share what I know and find some more credible resources for you to check out as well!
Monday, October 15, 2012
37 weeks - Full Term Baby!
Today we had our 37 week appointment! Here's what my insides look like right about now. Gettin' kinda squishy in there!
At 37 weeks most Dr.'s consider you to be "full term" and it's safe for the baby to arrive any time now. So they tell you that and get your hopes all high in the sky that your little miracle could be here any day and then they bring you right back down with a "but 80% of first time moms go past their due date... so prepare to be pregnant a while longer. We'll check ya next week and see where we're at." Awesome.
The Dr.'s appt. today went a little like this...
I peed in a cup. Again.
I weighed in at a whopping 148 lbs - that's a gain of 32 lbs!
Blood Pressure - Still Normal
We got our results from the Group B strep culture - Negative! Woohoo! No need for antibiotics during delivery!
We listened to her heartbeat - Down to 126bpm
Dr. Judd felt around my belly and said she's still head down and in a great position!
Dr. Judd explained that what I thought was muscle pain is actually Sciatic Nerve Pain. And it'll only get worse as she gets heavier.
We scheduled our pelvic exam for next Monday. (at that point the Dr. will let us know if she looks like she's coming early or late or whatever. We're hoping I take after my mom and she decides to make her grand appearance at least a little early. As long as she's healthy.)
So there's the run down! Later this week: More on Sciatic Nerve Pain... and maybe we'll address other things that can scare the crap out of you but are really no big deal... and maybe some things that look like no big deal that you should really be concerned about. Oh the joys of first time moms!
I'm outta here for now! If you need me... you can probably find me on the trampoline ;)
At 37 weeks most Dr.'s consider you to be "full term" and it's safe for the baby to arrive any time now. So they tell you that and get your hopes all high in the sky that your little miracle could be here any day and then they bring you right back down with a "but 80% of first time moms go past their due date... so prepare to be pregnant a while longer. We'll check ya next week and see where we're at." Awesome.
The Dr.'s appt. today went a little like this...
I peed in a cup. Again.
I weighed in at a whopping 148 lbs - that's a gain of 32 lbs!
Blood Pressure - Still Normal
We got our results from the Group B strep culture - Negative! Woohoo! No need for antibiotics during delivery!
We listened to her heartbeat - Down to 126bpm
Dr. Judd felt around my belly and said she's still head down and in a great position!
Dr. Judd explained that what I thought was muscle pain is actually Sciatic Nerve Pain. And it'll only get worse as she gets heavier.
We scheduled our pelvic exam for next Monday. (at that point the Dr. will let us know if she looks like she's coming early or late or whatever. We're hoping I take after my mom and she decides to make her grand appearance at least a little early. As long as she's healthy.)
So there's the run down! Later this week: More on Sciatic Nerve Pain... and maybe we'll address other things that can scare the crap out of you but are really no big deal... and maybe some things that look like no big deal that you should really be concerned about. Oh the joys of first time moms!
I'm outta here for now! If you need me... you can probably find me on the trampoline ;)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Operation Better Wife : Wake Up Call for Wives
We hear a lot about how men should/shouldn't treat women... but too often, i fear, people are too afraid to tell women how they should/shouldn't treat men. So here I go.
Women: Please keep in mind that I believe most of you are fantastic wives striving to provide a good home/environment for your husbands. What I share is not to criticize or point fingers, simply to help those who wish to improve.
Men: Don't think that just because I am speaking to women, you don't still have faults as well.
With that said...
"The wife, also should treat the husband with the greatest respect and courtesy. Her words to him should not be keen and cutting and sarcastic. She should not pass slurs or insinuations at him. She should not nag him. She should not try to arouse his anger or make things unpleasant about the home. The wife should be a joy to her husband, and she should live and conduct herself at home so the home will be the most joyous, the most blessed place on earth to her husband. This should be the condition of the husband, wife, the father and the mother, within the sacred precinct of that holy place, the home." - Gospel Doctrine, 283-284
There's always room for improvement, right?
Women: Please keep in mind that I believe most of you are fantastic wives striving to provide a good home/environment for your husbands. What I share is not to criticize or point fingers, simply to help those who wish to improve.
Men: Don't think that just because I am speaking to women, you don't still have faults as well.
With that said...
"The wife, also should treat the husband with the greatest respect and courtesy. Her words to him should not be keen and cutting and sarcastic. She should not pass slurs or insinuations at him. She should not nag him. She should not try to arouse his anger or make things unpleasant about the home. The wife should be a joy to her husband, and she should live and conduct herself at home so the home will be the most joyous, the most blessed place on earth to her husband. This should be the condition of the husband, wife, the father and the mother, within the sacred precinct of that holy place, the home." - Gospel Doctrine, 283-284
There's always room for improvement, right?
Please read this article from Meridian Magazine:
There is a link there to the "Wake Up Call for Husbands" as well if you're interested in reading it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
35 weeks
Update on Baby...Baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at about 5 1/4 pounds. Because it's so snug, she's not really doing somersaults anymore, but she's still kicking and moving quite frequently. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks just putting on weight.
As for me...
My uterus - which was entirely tucked away inside my pelvis when I conceived - now reaches up under my ribcage. (ouch!) If you could peek inside, you'd see that there is now more baby than amniotic fluid in there. My ballooning uterus is crowding my other internal organs too, which means I have to pee a lot more often, have heartburn all the time, and struggle to yawn or take a deep breath.
From my Monday appt on out, I'll be seeing Dr. Judd every week. Monday he'll do a culture to check for bacteria called Group B Strep (GBS). GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. According to babycenter, 10%-30% of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't even know it. Dr. Judd says it's no big deal. If I test positive for GBS, they'll just give me IV antibiotics during labor which will prevent passing it on to the baby.
Stresser #1 for me... a birth plan
Originally the plan was make it to the hospital, drug me, get this kid out. Now I'm realizing that I need something a little bit... more.
babycenter offered this form to help. I think it just made things worse. Seriously... Look at it.
It asks who you want to me there, what type of pain meds do you want, would you like birth props (huh?), is it okay if nurses, residents, and/or students enter your room, and lots of other things that I never even thought of... or thought I had a say in.
I think I know who I want there, but idk who wants to be there... and who's going to be offended when I tell them they aren't invited to the big party? Do I even bother caring? 'eh.
Things I still need to do before baby gets here... in no particular order:
- buy bottles, a breast pump, and warm clothes in itty bitty sizes
- figure out and install the car seat properly
- set up a nursery
- pack mine/tiave's hospital bags
- train someone at work to take over for a while
- chill.
I promise I'll figure this all out one day and I'll be a helpful, comedic inspiration to other pregnant woman all over... just like the lovelies over at and
Until then, we'll just have to stick with learning together... one week at a time!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
34 Weeks
Every week I get an email from updating me on what my baby is doing, how she's developing, what to expect, and lots of other fun facts and thoughts/advice from other woman expecting around the same time as me. I love it.
Here's what they had to say at 34 weeks...
How your baby's growing:
Here's what they had to say at 34 weeks...
How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
How your life's changing:
By this week, fatigue has probably set in again, though maybe not with the same coma-like intensity of your first trimester. Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you're under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning, while trying to get comfortable.
Now's the time to slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you've been sitting or lying down for a long time, don't jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.
If you notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly and possibly your thighs and buttocks as well, you may have a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP for short).
Now's the time to slow down and save up your energy for labor day (and beyond). If you've been sitting or lying down for a long time, don't jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.
If you notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly and possibly your thighs and buttocks as well, you may have a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP for short).
Up to one percent of pregnant women develop PUPPP, which is harmless but can be quite uncomfortable. See your practitioner so she can make sure it's not a more serious problem, provide treatment to make you more comfortable, and refer you to a dermatologist if necessary. Also be sure to call her if you feel intense itchiness all over your body, even if you don't have a rash. It could signal a liver problem.
Slide your way to slumber "In the third trimester, turning over in bed is a nightmare. The solution? Big satin pajamas and even satin sheets — the slipperiness of satin helps tremendously!" — Carrie
Pretty spot on for the most part. Dr. Judd says she is more like 4lbs right now, but it's hard to tell for sure. She is head down and ready to go, but no sign of her arriving early... yet.
As far as me... they always get it perfect.
Next Dr. appointment is October 8th. They'll test me for group B strep at that vist, then we're on to weekly appointments to make sure we're on top of things and are ready for her when she's ready to come.
A word of advice to my pregnant friends... sign up for emails from babycenter. Go here to register. It's free. You'll get a weekly email like the one above, links to learn more about things like PUPPP and preeclampsia, assurance that you aren't crazy and that what's happening to you is normal, and the option to send the email to your significant other so that he can better understand what you're going through. Truly a brilliant set up.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Argh Mateys!
That's right. We did it. We went to Krispy Kreme on National Talk Like a Pirate Day. We waited in line for just over 2 hours and we came home with 4doz. free donuts. Worth it? absolutely! And, I promised Gina pictures because she wasn't able to make it. So... here ya go!
Next year Gina... you cannot miss this again!
Anyone else participate in the madness? If so, I wanna hear about it! Or see pictures! Much love to you all!
Next year Gina... you cannot miss this again!
Look at us with our Donuts! I sooo happyyyyy!!! |
Little Brother - He makes a GREAT pirate! |
Ms. Kaycy - "Arghh" |
Anyone else participate in the madness? If so, I wanna hear about it! Or see pictures! Much love to you all!
Monday, September 17, 2012
A Little Gem
Look what we dug up today!
I promise, it's worth it. Pay attention to the 2nd counselor.
Isn't he just the cutest kid?!?!
Bishop Zone,
Good Times,
Orem 5th Ward,
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Crib Project... Stage 1
We started our Crib Project last night...
Let's just say... I think I'm in over my head.
Here's the crib before we did anything to it. Just to give you an idea of what we're working with...
Beautiful right? what you can't see is the Permanent Marker writing on the side and the bite marks on the rails. But there's a lot of detail and it will be wonderful when we're done!
Let's just say... I think I'm in over my head.
Here's the crib before we did anything to it. Just to give you an idea of what we're working with...
Beautiful right? what you can't see is the Permanent Marker writing on the side and the bite marks on the rails. But there's a lot of detail and it will be wonderful when we're done!
We started with a paint/varnish stripper. The instructions say "Spray thoroughly, let sit for 15 minutes, scrape off." Sound easy right?
Well... Tiave sprayed once, I sprayed over it... we assumed the thing was just about as soaked as it was gonna get.
Issues we didn't foresee....
1) How the heck are we supposed to scrape those round bars with all those tiny grooves after getting it all sprayed? Goopy Mess.
2) After sanding this all by hand.... our hands just might fall off.
Oh well. I'm determined that it will be worth it. I love this crib!
Here's what it looked like after we quit for the night...
We had one side rail completely sanded and about a bar and half done. If anyone has the urge to sand something in the near future, hit me up. We've got plenty to do.
I'm really excited to continue working on this with Tiave and get it all done and put together! It's a great way for us to enjoy each other and build something for our little one. I worry that we might not finish on time, so if anyone has any tips that would make it easier, or more time efficient, it would be greatly appreciated!
We'll keep you updated on how it goes and how it turns out!
Cry for help,
Date Night,
Monday, September 10, 2012
32 weeks!
Only 8 weeks to go!
Today was our last monthly appointment! We'll see Dr. Judd again on Sept. 24th, and October 8th, then weekly until she arrives sometime around Nov. 4th!
She weighs about 3.5lbs right now and Dr. Judd estimates she'll be about 7 all cooked and done. 7 is good :) She is also head down and in a great position, so things are going just grand! She has fingernails, toenails, and real hair! (or at least some respectable peach fuzz)
As for me... I can't bend over very far, and I have heartburn all the time... This pic should explain why:
Projects coming up in the near future:
We got one of those old fashioned cribs from my Aunt for FREE! Yes, it's used. But it's sturdy solid wood and much better than any one we could find at Wal-Mart. We'll be sanding it down, and refinishing it. It'll look brand new when we're done, and I'll be satisfied with it to keep my little one safe and secure while she rests her little head. Now we need to find a bassinet.
Also, we have a prospective home in mind. If all goes well, we'll need to move in, set up the nursery, and get settled before she arrives. :/
Baby Shower will be September 29th for friends AND family. If you would like an invitation, please get me your address. If I already got it from you, don't worry about it. Yes, this counts as a project. Trust me.
P.S. we went camping last week and the leaves are changing all over the mountain! Prepare to welcome FALL! It will officially be upon us in 12 days!
Today was our last monthly appointment! We'll see Dr. Judd again on Sept. 24th, and October 8th, then weekly until she arrives sometime around Nov. 4th!
She weighs about 3.5lbs right now and Dr. Judd estimates she'll be about 7 all cooked and done. 7 is good :) She is also head down and in a great position, so things are going just grand! She has fingernails, toenails, and real hair! (or at least some respectable peach fuzz)
As for me... I can't bend over very far, and I have heartburn all the time... This pic should explain why:
Yeah... my stomach has been flattened like a pancake, and everything is just a lil... squished. But other than that I really am feeling great! I'm blessed to be able to still be working full time, and still have energy at the end of the day to play a little bit. We'll see how long it lasts. She's supposed to double in size!
Projects coming up in the near future:
We got one of those old fashioned cribs from my Aunt for FREE! Yes, it's used. But it's sturdy solid wood and much better than any one we could find at Wal-Mart. We'll be sanding it down, and refinishing it. It'll look brand new when we're done, and I'll be satisfied with it to keep my little one safe and secure while she rests her little head. Now we need to find a bassinet.
Also, we have a prospective home in mind. If all goes well, we'll need to move in, set up the nursery, and get settled before she arrives. :/
Baby Shower will be September 29th for friends AND family. If you would like an invitation, please get me your address. If I already got it from you, don't worry about it. Yes, this counts as a project. Trust me.
Much Love to you all!
P.S. we went camping last week and the leaves are changing all over the mountain! Prepare to welcome FALL! It will officially be upon us in 12 days!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Date Night How To/Ideas
I am not an expert on the subject of dating, so I've scoured the internet and found input from people who are to create this lovely "how to" for date night!
Let's start with
The Basic Rules:
1: Make a schedule. Whether you want to have date night weekly or monthly, you definitely want to try to make a set schedule. The hubby and I make ours every Thursday. You can always adjust if someone decides to get married or die or something... but it's always good to have a set day to look forward to and plan for!
2: Take turns planning! We trade off every other week, but you're welcome to do this however you see fit. If the planning is left to one person all the time, it turns into more of a chore than a date... and that just ruins the whole point of date night.
3: Consider your partner. When planning a date, always keep in mind the things that interest your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend. You don't want them to feel like they're stuck doing something they hate. Also... consider their physical condition. Like... It's not a good idea to take a pregnant girl to Jump On It. (This has never happened to us... but it's a good example of what NOT to do. Ever)
And now... Ideas...
Head Out:
- Take a Hike - Pros: It's free, great workout, time outdoors. Cons: Can't do it in the wintertime... unless you're crazy.
- Watch a City League/Minor League Games - Pros: You get to spend time outdoors, eat at the concession stands for dinner, baseball rocks. Cons: mosquitos, seasonal
- Go Bowling - Pros: you get to be active, can do it any time of the year. Cons: bowling shoes :P
- Street or County Fair - Pros: free admission, carnival games/rides, fair food, culture. Cons: Seasonal, and you might get fat from all that cotton candy!
- Volunteer Work - Pros: It's free, you're helping others while helping yourself. Cons: Cons.
- Stargazing - Pros: There are plenty of parks to go to, snuggling outside, stars. Cons: Seasonal.
- Hit the Arcade - WARNING: This CAN be pricey if you're not careful! Those nickles add up, so watch it! Pros: Arcade games, laughter, winning tickets/prizes. Cons: sharing the games with other players.
- Mini Golfing - If you're lucky enough to have a pass of all passes here in Utah County... you can get in free! Pros: Indoor or Outdoor, a little competition (winner gets....?) Cons: Risking hitting each other with golf clubs
- Take a Hayride - Pros: outdoors, sightseeing, quality time to talk about life and whatever. Cons: Seasonal
- Build a Snowman - Pros: outdoors, could turn into a snowball fight, building something together, end the night with hot cocoa. Cons: Seasonal, cold.
Stay In:
- Bathroom Spa
- Take turns giving massages, foot rubs, or whatever tickles your fancy... then go ahead and relax in a bubble bath! Just don't get too relaxed. Falling asleep really kills the mood
- Movie Theme Night
- In the mood for Italian? Pop in the Italian job and whip up some pizza! Or is it a Wedding Crashers kind of night? Grab some cake from your favorite local bakery and enjoy in the comfort of your own home!
- Ethnic Eats
- Look up a recipe for your favorite foreign food and see how well you can make it together! Make sure you're both involved... and don't forget the aprons!
- Carpet Picnic
- Throw down your favorite blanket, whip up some great picnic foods, and enjoy! Make sure you leave the TV off and just enjoy each other!
- Ice Cream
- Make yourself the biggest, craziest, most delicious ice cream sundae ever, then share it!
- BlackOut
- Ban the use of all electricity (including cell phones and computers) Light some candles and get creative with dinner. Try playing shadow games on the walls or board games by candlelight!
- Finish that Project!
- Refinish a piece of furniture for your home, put together a scrapbook, or build something together!
Bonus: Especially for the hubs:
- Take a test drive of his dream car - You might die... but he'll never forget it
- Hit a sports bar on game night - Even if you're not into the game, you get to go out and get some great wings out of it and he'll love that you are letting him watch the game on date night
What do you guys like to do for date night? How do you make it work for you? I'd love to hear/see your input!
Happy Friday!
Date Night,
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Date Night
Date Night Date Night Date Night....
What to do?
It seems that deciding what to do for date night is one of the most difficult decisions I make all week! Thankfully, Tiave and I trade weeks planning so neither one of us feels like we're stuck doing all the work.
Heading out for dinner is always nice. It can get old though... and expensive.
Tiave LOVES the movie theater! But being pregnant, I have a hard time sitting in those chairs for more than 5minutes!
And staying home seems boring most of the time....
Personally, my favorite date nights are the ones we spend at home. The ones where we really get to spend time together.
Sometimes it's a redbox and wendys on the couch. Other times we get more creative!
Here's a particular favorite of mine...
We strapped on our aprons (awesome wedding gift btw)
And got together with Chef Smurf
And Whipped up the most amazing pizza of my life! One half Chicken, Bacon, and tomato, the other half all that plus pepperoni and sausage.
Because date night can be so difficult, but is SO important to maintaining a healthy relationship, I've decided my next post will be a list of date night ideas that won't break the bank and are way better than dinner and a movie! Also, I plan on trying them all out, so expect an update on how they go!
Also, slightly off topic, I'm trying to aim this blog... somewhere. And I'm thinking I mostly just want to relate to people. People who are in similar life situations as me (young and married, pregnant, working moms, crafty friends, etc...) I'd love any input any of you, my blogger friends, may have! :)
Until next time!
Coming up,
Date Night,
Monday, August 27, 2012
A loss...
Grandpa Skip passed away on Saturday.
I will forever hold on to my fondest memories of him...
I will forever hold on to my fondest memories of him...
Trying to convince me (before I could read) that food labels said silly things like "Everyone gets some, except Renae" or "none for people below this tall"
Giving us rides around the block on his motorcycle. He always made sure he had a helmet to fit us. Even when we were really small.
Recruiting our help at the book store. He was the best at peeling a label off a cardboard box in one piece... and every time he did I responded with "...My Hero!"
Allowing me to have candy from the pantry... even after my parents said "no."
Always taking time during our visits to talk to just me and find out how things were going in my life and making sure that I knew he was there for me. No matter what.
Banning texting during dinner visits. He wanted us there. Really there. And he made sure we knew it.
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(Thanksgiving 2010) |
My heart hurts and I will be missing him as long as I live. I relate to the words in this poem that President Hinckley wrote shortly before his own death.
What Is This Thing That Men Call Death?
What is this thing that men call death?
This quiet passing in the night?
‘Tis not the end but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light
O God, touch Thou my aching heart
And calm my troubled, haunting fears
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.
There is no death, but only change
With recompense for vict’ry won
The gift of Him who loved all men
The Son of God, the Holy One.
-Gordon B. Hinckley
I am so thankful to my husband for being a shoulder to cry on and a pillar of strength for me in this difficult time. Also to family for being so supportive of each other. Aunt Debbie for coming all the way from Oklahoma to help care for Grandpa during his last few weeks of life and care for her sisters kids. Aunt Susan, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Rich, Mom and Dad for always being around to lend a hand, no matter the time or day. Keith and Desiree for coming from Oklahoma to see the family for the funeral. Evan and Barbara Murdock for calling just to make sure we were all okay. Gina Arlene for sending her love and prayers our way every time we need them - she never fails to know and we always feel it. All of our friends/family/neighbors/ward members for all of their love and support. I know I've missed people, but know that I love and appreciate all of you for all that you do.
Rest In Peace Grandpa, we'll see you soon.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Washington, Oregon, Weddings, Miracles.
We started our trip on Wednesday and drove from Provo, UT to Nampa, ID. On the road to our hotel we met this little guy:
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Not a very good picture. But this Hawk was just chillin' on the side of the road. He was beautiful, and kind enough for us to get close and take pictures. |
We spent the night in Nampa, then got up early and headed out to Lake Oswego, OR to stay Thursday and Friday night.
Brandi got her endowments on Friday morning, then our friend Kaycy and her sweetheart were sealed in the afternoon with a reception to follow that evening.
Followed by a luncheon/ring ceremony in Brandi's parent's backyard (which was stunningly landscaped. pics to come.)
Then they had a reception that evening in the church near the home.
(They will also be having an open house for friends/family here in Utah on September 1st. That, I think, will be another post all on it's own.)
We started our drive home on Sunday and stopped at Multnomah Falls in Portland on our way out. We didn't go up all the way, but got pretty close.
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It was super crowded, but the falls were absolutely gorgeous. |
We stayed Sunday night in Nampa again, then headed home early Monday morning.
My sister and brother in law decided to stay and play in Idaho for a little while. They did some shopping in Caldwell, then went and found the twin falls in Twin Falls.
Unfortunately, on their way home, they hit gravel and wind at just the wrong angle and rolled the car twice. It landed upside down on the other side of the freeway.
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This is their car after the accident. |
Thankfully, they were both wearing seat belts and walked away from the accident with only minor cuts and bruises. A miracle we are all so thankful for.
An EMT came and looked them over and told them they were fine. They had the car towed, then sold it to the tow company and got a ride home with Brett's parents. They arrived home safely today.
Tiave wasn't able to come to WA with us because he was attending the wedding of his dear friend in Idaho.
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He left early Friday morning, attended the sealing, then a luncheon, then made the drive home. It was a long day for him, but he's so glad he was able to make it out there!
My congratulations go to Reef and his new wife! I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I'm so glad Tiave could. And we're both excited to see you when you're in town next week!
A lot of craziness, a lot of fun, a few disasters, and some miracles. All in all, it was a good long weekend. I'm thankful to be home with my sweet husband. I missed him terribly while we were apart. I'm also so thankful that Brandy and Brett made it through their accident and are alive and well today.
Monday, August 13, 2012
2 down, 1 trimester to go!
We had our 7 month check up today!
Baby Girl is doing great! She's growing growing growing, her lil' heart beat is at 161bpm, and she's definitely a dancer like her daddy. Sometimes I can sit and watch my belly move with her kicks and wiggles for like 30 min at a time. Especially if Daddy is talking to her... or even just in the same room. She loves the sound of his voice.
We got tested for gestational diabetes this morning. They made me drink a thing of sugar water, then drew my blood. They'll test it at the lab today and we'll have the results by tomorrow. They said no news is good news so let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't get any calls from the Dr.'s office tomorrow.
Also, I have a nasty head cold. The kind that makes you feel like you swallowed a rock and your head is stuck in a balloon that's about to pop + a pounding headache. Awesome. Here's what I think of that.
1: Pregnant women should be exempt from getting sick. period. Aren't we dealing with enough already?
2: I wish people hadn't freaked me out so bad about taking meds when you're pregnant. I went in to see the doc today and told the nurse I had a head cold and she asked if I'd taken anything and then scolded me when I told her "no." She agrees pregnant women shouldn't get sick, but the fact is, because our bodies are so busy creating a little person, they sometimes forget to fight off illness and we get sick anyway. Worse than normal. And it sucks. She advised me to go home immediately and take some tylenol and sudafed. I did. I'm feeling much better.
3: Don't think that because of number 2 I'm suddenly going to pop every pill I can think of every time I sneeze. No. Pregnant women should still consult their Dr. about any and all medication they take. Just don't be scared to ask! If you're sick, and herbal remedies aren't working, it's better for you to take the medicine and kick it than run the risk of it getting worse and affecting your baby/pregnancy.
Today Dr. Judd. put a jump start on my anxiety (something he usually avoids,) but he made me realize that this baby girl is going to get here sooner than we know it and I'm terrified I won't be ready. As far as appts go... we have 1 more 4 week appt, 2 - 2 week appts, and 4 - 1 week appts until she get's here. I'm told once those 2 week appts kick in, time just flies by. And since I already feel like time's been flying... I think we're about to jump into light-speed here. Wish me luck!
Baby Girl is doing great! She's growing growing growing, her lil' heart beat is at 161bpm, and she's definitely a dancer like her daddy. Sometimes I can sit and watch my belly move with her kicks and wiggles for like 30 min at a time. Especially if Daddy is talking to her... or even just in the same room. She loves the sound of his voice.
We got tested for gestational diabetes this morning. They made me drink a thing of sugar water, then drew my blood. They'll test it at the lab today and we'll have the results by tomorrow. They said no news is good news so let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't get any calls from the Dr.'s office tomorrow.
Also, I have a nasty head cold. The kind that makes you feel like you swallowed a rock and your head is stuck in a balloon that's about to pop + a pounding headache. Awesome. Here's what I think of that.
1: Pregnant women should be exempt from getting sick. period. Aren't we dealing with enough already?
2: I wish people hadn't freaked me out so bad about taking meds when you're pregnant. I went in to see the doc today and told the nurse I had a head cold and she asked if I'd taken anything and then scolded me when I told her "no." She agrees pregnant women shouldn't get sick, but the fact is, because our bodies are so busy creating a little person, they sometimes forget to fight off illness and we get sick anyway. Worse than normal. And it sucks. She advised me to go home immediately and take some tylenol and sudafed. I did. I'm feeling much better.
3: Don't think that because of number 2 I'm suddenly going to pop every pill I can think of every time I sneeze. No. Pregnant women should still consult their Dr. about any and all medication they take. Just don't be scared to ask! If you're sick, and herbal remedies aren't working, it's better for you to take the medicine and kick it than run the risk of it getting worse and affecting your baby/pregnancy.
Today Dr. Judd. put a jump start on my anxiety (something he usually avoids,) but he made me realize that this baby girl is going to get here sooner than we know it and I'm terrified I won't be ready. As far as appts go... we have 1 more 4 week appt, 2 - 2 week appts, and 4 - 1 week appts until she get's here. I'm told once those 2 week appts kick in, time just flies by. And since I already feel like time's been flying... I think we're about to jump into light-speed here. Wish me luck!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Operation Better Wife - Courtesy of Life Crafts & Whatever
I recently came across a new blog
She is upfront, honest, helpful, crafty, family oriented, and downright awesome. I have a new found love, and we don't even know each other. While I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the posts I've come across, perusing today I came across a specific post I just had to share with all of you.
Operation Better Wife.
This is truth, if I've ever heard it.
And that is all.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Bloggers... What Are You Looking for?
Alright my fellow bloggers... I really want to know...
When sifting through the thousands and thousands of blogs on the web... what are you looking for? What about a blog catches your eye?
When sifting through the thousands and thousands of blogs on the web... what are you looking for? What about a blog catches your eye?
- Do you like to read blogs about your friends/family simply to stay updated and in touch with those you don't get to see every day?
- Do you search for tutorials on food or crafts or painting or gardening or building or... anything?
- Are you looking for people who relate to you or a certain aspect of your life? i.e. pregnancy, raising kids, college life, etc...
- Maybe political blogs catch your eye? Keeping up to date on the election and congress and all that jazz?
- Human Interest pieces maybe? What's going on in the world!
- Tech blogs? The latest info on all the new gadgets
- Some rave review perhaps on the most happening restaurants/bars/clubs in town?
- Or maybe, like me, you're into a little bit of everything?
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Bridal Shower Fun!
A good friend of the family is getting married soon, and I had the opportunity to help plan and attend her purple themed bridal shower over the weekend.
My sister got stuff to put together scrapbook pages for a sign in book to be used at the reception in Portland, OR. Those who will be unable to attend the reception there had the opportunity to make a page and sign it at the shower!
We also had some "Advice for the bride cards" that people filled out and got to stick in an envelope on a scrapbook page. Some of the advice was....
My sister got stuff to put together scrapbook pages for a sign in book to be used at the reception in Portland, OR. Those who will be unable to attend the reception there had the opportunity to make a page and sign it at the shower!
We also had some "Advice for the bride cards" that people filled out and got to stick in an envelope on a scrapbook page. Some of the advice was....
"Don't fight, Get naked"
"Never go to bed angry"
"Always make the bed"
For treats we had...
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Pink Lemonade - homemade |
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Peanuts - walmart |
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sixlets - Zurchers |
And.... The cake.
Idea - Pinterest
Execution - Mom and I.
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We used a heart for the bodice, leaves for the sleeves, and free-handed the skirt. |
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After we got the fondant on, we pulled out the piping tools. |
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Mom piped the pretty purple flowers, kaycy's name, and border design. |
It all pulled together really well and Kaycy was able to celebrate her engagement with the dear friends she has made here in UT.
A Big Thank You to everyone to who helped out and all those that attended! And to those who couldn't, we understand :) and we missed you!
Bridal Shower,
Monday, July 23, 2012
A Day At The Lake
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Me, Tiave, Dad, and Ryan
Now, before anyone goes judging about how I'm pregnant and how dare I be so reckless on such dangerous machinery.... I talked to my Dr. before I went and got his permission and blessing to go. He said "You'll probably pee you're pants, but as long as you don't throw yourself off at high speed belly first, you'll be fine" So I went.
And we had a blast! Tiave and I took turns driving and Tiave scared me to death with his sharp turns and donuts. My arms are now sore from holding on so tight being so scared, but I wouldn't trade the day for anything! It was so much fun to spend time with family outside in the sunshine and the water!
We'll definitely be going back as often as we can.
Join us sometime?
P.S. Sorry about the lack of pictures... It's silly to bring a camera on these things.. It would just get ruined. Plus... lake pictures are never cute!
Monday, July 16, 2012
6 Month Check Up
Today was our 6 month check up with Dr. Judd and we got to see our little girl again! She was much more cooperative and we were able to get this cute little profile picture of her:
1 lb. 7 oz.
13 inches from head to toe
48th percentile
and still a precious little girl.
Things discussed and learned today:
1: Weight Gain! I have gained 16lbs so far. 4 months and 9lbs to go to reach my goal.
My Dr. advised me that for my height/weight/age/overall-health I need to gain 25lbs for this pregnancy. Right now having gained 16 and the baby only being 1lb 7oz... you're probably wondering where the other 14ish lbs are coming from. Here's a breakdown of the weight you gain when you get pregnant and how it's all supposed to add up to 25-35lbs at the very end.
- 7-9lbs of baby
- 2lbs of placenta
- 2lbs amniotic fluid
- 4-5lbs increased blood volume
- 2lbs uterine enlargement
- 3-4lbs of fluid in maternal tissue
- 1lb breast enlargement (to prepare for breastfeeding)
- Any remaining pounds are a general deposit of fat required by the body for breastfeeding and energy stores. (though if you've gone above what was recommended by your Dr., chances are it's just plain old fat you don't need.)
2: Pelvic Girdle Pain. The pain in my pelvis that feels like I'm straining a muscle every time I move. It is perfectly normal and will only hurt more as this pregnancy progresses.
Explanation? your uterus is a lot like a trampoline, and during pregnancy your joints are really loose, so when your baby is hanging out on your uterus, those springs are stretching down and pulling on your loose joints causing pain. The heavier the baby gets, the more it hurts. And no, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
3: Heartburn and Acid Reflux. This is apparently also very common.
The cause? Heartburn occurs when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus are unable to prevent the stomach acids from passing back into the esophagus. Pregnancy can increase the frequency of heartburn and acid reflux because the hormone progesterone causes the valve to relax. This allows the stomach acid to pass into the esophagus and irritate the lining. Aside from being extraordinarily uncomfortable and obnoxious, if you have acid sitting in your esophagus too long, it can cause some pretty serious damage. The Dr. suggested a few OTC medications to keep it under control. Also I should avoid eating chocolate and Orange Juice and other delicious foods high in acidic content. Boo.
What we get to look forward to:
Sometime in the next few weeks I get to pick a day to have a blood glucose test. How it works:
You're given a bottle of slightly flavored, colored, sugar water that you have to drink in about 5 minutes on an empty stomach and after you drink it, you don't get to eat or drink anything else. An hour after ingesting this tasty drink, you get to go to the lab at the Dr.'s office where they will draw out your freshly sugary blood and test you for gestational diabetes. Test results are done within 24 hours of the blood draw.
After that, our next check up is scheduled for the morning of August 13th. We'll be 7 months along and it should be a fairly routine visit. They'll weigh me, take yet another urine test, and hopefully keep telling me everything is A-okay!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Happy 4th!
Happy 4th indeed! We were blessed this year to both have the day off and be able to spend it with great friends!
We started the festivities late on the 3rd by sleeping out on the parade route.
Yes. We actually slept... a little. Our friend Ashley thought she would try to take an embarrassing picture of us... but I think we're cute :) Haha he snuggles me and the baby and he holds my hand while we sleep. The only thing this picture proves, is that we love each other... and I'm a straight up blanket/pillow thief.
We started watching the parade and Tiave warmed up the PHS colorguard. About halway through we all got hungry and made our way to...
We were all super tired, which made for a great show for the other guests.
After IHOP, we all went home, showered, napped, ate again, then joined up one more time for stadium fireworks!!!
Beautiful show!
Thanks to Ashley, Derrick, Jenae, and Nick for making our 4th a memorable one!
Here's to many more great adventures!
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