Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Monday, September 10, 2012

32 weeks!

Only 8 weeks to go!

Today was our last monthly appointment! We'll see Dr. Judd again on Sept. 24th, and October 8th, then weekly until she arrives sometime around Nov. 4th!

She weighs about 3.5lbs right now and Dr. Judd estimates she'll be about 7 all cooked and done. 7 is good :) She is also head down and in a great position, so things are going just grand! She has fingernails, toenails, and real hair! (or at least some respectable peach fuzz)
As for me... I can't bend over very far, and I have heartburn all the time... This pic should explain why:

Yeah... my stomach has been flattened like a pancake, and everything is just a lil... squished. But other than that I really am feeling great! I'm blessed to be able to still be working full time, and still have energy at the end of the day to play a little bit. We'll see how long it lasts. She's supposed to double in size!

Projects coming up in the near future:

We got one of those old fashioned cribs from my Aunt for FREE! Yes, it's used. But it's sturdy solid wood and much better than any one we could find at Wal-Mart. We'll be sanding it down, and refinishing it. It'll look brand new when we're done, and I'll be satisfied with it to keep my little one safe and secure while she rests her little head. Now we need to find a bassinet.

Also, we have a prospective home in mind. If all goes well, we'll need to move in, set up the nursery, and get settled before she arrives. :/

Baby Shower will be September 29th for friends AND family. If you would like an invitation, please get me your address. If I already got it from you, don't worry about it. Yes, this counts as a project. Trust me.

Much Love to you all!

P.S.  we went camping last week and the leaves are changing all over the mountain! Prepare to welcome FALL! It will officially be upon us in 12 days!


  1. Wow. i'm am so looking forward to having everything inside me squish!! jk. I'd love an invite if that's alright. my address is 956 N 75 E orem ut 84057.

  2. Yay! Why do I feel like its going by fast? Oh, prob because Its not me thats pregnant! I bet you are just ready by now! As for bassinets, I head the Fischer Price Rock and Play is fabulous! And swings too! Good luck!

  3. Hey! I'm going to be in Utah when you have your shower! I'd love to see you and wish you well! Could you send it here?
    Suzana Garrett
    876 S 635 W
    Orem, UT 84058
