Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pregnancy Pain: Let's Talk About It

Today I've decided to post a little about what I have learned about pregnancy.

Disclaimer: I am NOT and expert. I am simply sharing what I have learned from my Dr., other pregnant women, and the internet.

When you are pregnant, or looking to get pregnant you will have LOTS of questions. So, I'm going to address some of the questions I had and hope that I can be of help to some of you.

Let's start with my most recent discovery... Sciatic Nerve Pain.
Walking around the Zoo one day I started to have rather severe pain in my right thigh and butt cheek. For me, it felt like I had pulled a muscle... but then it went away. and came back. and went away. So at my next Dr's appt. I asked about it. Dr. Judd informed me that it was Sciatic Nerve Pain (Sciatica). He said it's very common during pregnancy and is caused by the baby's head putting pressure on your sciatic nerve.

So... how do you know if you have sciatica?
1: It can feel like a pulled muscle, your leg is falling asleep, or just plain hurt.
2: It is most likely only on one side, and is probably your right side (95% of the time anyway)
3: It comes and goes - not constant pain
4: It can range from uncomfortable to debilitating.

And.. how do you make it go away?
-You don't. But here are some tricks to find relief
1: Lie down on the opposite side of the pain to relieve pressure
2: Soak in a warm bath, then put a cold compress on the pain. The heat will relax your muscles, and the cold with draw away any inflammation.
3: Get a prenatal massage/chiropractic adjustment
4: Wear a maternity belt

When do you worry about it?
-You don't. It is not harmful to you or the baby, it just sucks.

Next on today's list... Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
Lying in bed one night, I went to roll over onto my other side. After attempting to swing my legs over and experiencing bone shattering pain... I decided something was wrong. After lots of research I found that I had PGP and that I was fine... it just sucked. (seeing a theme here?)

So... how do you know you have PGP?
1: The pain will be generalized in your back and pelvis.
2: It's JOINT pain, not muscle pain
3: It will probably be accompanied by pain in your back and hips

And... how do you make it go away?
-You don't. You can try finding relief by...
1: Acupuncture
2: Place a heating pad on it
3: Wear a maternity belt when you'll be standing or walking - (this one worked GREAT for me)

When do you worry?
1: When your Dr. tells you to. If you have or think you have PGP let your Dr. know. He/She can monitor the pain and let you know if it is PGP or something else like Symphsis Pubic Disfunction. PGP is nothing to worry about, but SPD could be.

No matter the pain you're feeling, my best advice is to TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Every woman is different. Every pregnancy is different. It's better to call and ask about it and find out it's no big deal than to not ask about it and realize all too late that you have a real problem. Most problems - if addressed in a timely manner - can be handled and treated safely.

If you happen to be reading this blog and have questions about something going on in your pregnancy that you'd like more info on, let me know. Or if you think there's something pregnant women should be more educated on, I'd be happy to share what I know and find some more credible resources for you to check out as well!


  1. I love your posts!!! They are very educational.
    I have Sciatic nerve problems too... lately they have been acting up a bit. I didn't ask my doctor about it though just my mom. One of the problems I have is that the baby will sit on my kidney (i think it was kidney) so i'm supposed to lay on my left side as much as I can.

  2. It seems like lying on your left side actually solves a lot of pregnancy discomfort. Strange, no? but hey, if it works, it works!
