Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Monday, June 25, 2012


After back pain shook me from a dead sleep at 4am on Sunday and I finally couldn't handle it and broke down in tears... my sweet husband (who had to be up at 6 for work) got up, gave me a massage, found me a heating pad, and gave me a blessing of comfort and healing, then helped me lie back down and get comfortable. We were both finally able to go back to sleep around 5:30.

I am so glad I married a man worthy of his priesthood and so willing to help whenever needed. I honestly don't know what I would've done without him.
I am so thankful for the hand of my Heavenly Father in my life. He will never forsake you. I promise.

I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet! Husbands are the best, you guys are great for each other!
