Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Catching up Series Pt. 1

Catching up...

In October, my little missy turned 1!
We had a big birthday bash with family and friends. I'm so happy she was able to spend her special day surrounded my so many people that love her.
A big THANK YOU to all those who came :)
(pictures to come later... haven't gotten them back from the photographer yet. except this one... and it's great.)

milestones at year 1:
-4 top and 2 bottom teeth (all at once)
-eating any and all table food she can get her hands on
-personality for days!

Shortly after her birthday it was Halloween! Tiave was a sheriff, I was a scarecrow, and bug was.... a bug!

 Visiting At Work
At Gina's Halloween Party...
Walking for Aunty Faye

Next up in the Catching up Series...
Thanksgiving, Jamaica, and Christmas!
See you all again soon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Savanna 8 months

So.. she turned 8 months on June 29th.. which was a few weeks ago. So sue me!

She has learned how to roll over and over and over off the couch, off the bed (which rewarded her with quite the headache and a new bed), and around the floor.
She is working on the crawling thing, but hates it and would rather walk around holding onto my fingers.

She eats her fruits and veggies like a champ but definitely loves her treats. Popsicles, Oreos, Soda... :/ I'm an awesome mom, don't even worry about it.

Her favorite thing to say is DaDa, she even whispers it. And when I tell her to say Mama she just says DaDa over and over again.

Her Grandpa taught her how to bubble her lips. Awesome.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feeling Blessed

The last little while we've been busy...

There was Easter :) 

And a coooold beginning to spring!

Lots of fun with Daddy!

Growing, Laughing, Smiling, Growing, Growing, GROWING.

Mommy's Supermodel!

Hanging out!

Our little family has been busy for sure. Living a life filled with love and wonder. We struggle like the rest of the world, but it's easy to forget the pains when you're blessed in so many ways! 

Here's to looking at the bright side guys! 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holi Holi

After much begging and pleading, I convinced Tiave to come to the Holi Festival of Colors and the Hare Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork.

He loved it.


After the 1st throw

At home, dusting off. Aren't we pretty?

After a super shower! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let's Review!

Alright everyone... here we go!

Baby Girl was born October 29th, 2012.

Auntie Lani married Uncle Pati on November 10th, 2012 and baby girl got a brand new dress for the occasion! We were a little nervous about taking her to the big party at only 12 days old, but she did wonderfully and we were so glad to make it!

She was blessed in my home ward on December 2nd, 2012

I went back to work December 3rd, 2012. I am still with the same company, but have moved into their payroll department. It's a lot of work and I hate being away from my baby girl, but we make it work for us and I enjoy what I do. Baby girl gets to play with my mom during the days while I am gone.

We bought our first home and moved in on December 22nd, 2012. Pictures to follow in a whole new post. I will be doing lots of home improvement over the next little bit and will post the progress as well! I am loving having our own house and really making it a home!

Hubby started a new job in web hosting and is very excited to be with a new company with new opportunities.

We are loving every moment of our lives and couldn't ask for more. 

2 Weeks

Snuggling with Daddy.

Dinner at Outback. Steak and Salad for Mom and Dad... Fingers for  Baby Girl.  (3months)

Cheering for Daddy!
Bowling with Friends.

Baby Girl started sitting up, laughing, and talking our ears off!
 Thanks for stoppin' in! See ya'll next time!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Leave of Absence

You'll have to excuse my long absence... If you remember... I had a baby.
Also between then and now I went back to work and bought a house.
It has been a crazy few months. But don't worry. I am back. I know you missed me :)

Later on I will be posting a round-up of the last few months activities; including Christmas, moving, baby, baby, friends, family, and more baby!

Happy to be back in the blogosphere! See ya'll later!