Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A loss...

Grandpa Skip passed away on Saturday.

I will forever hold on to my fondest memories of him...

Trying to convince me (before I could read) that food labels said silly things like "Everyone gets some, except Renae" or "none for people below this tall"

Giving us rides around the block on his motorcycle. He always made sure he had a helmet to fit us. Even when we were really small.

Recruiting our help at the book store. He was the best at peeling a label off a cardboard box in one piece... and every time he did I responded with "...My Hero!"

Allowing me to have candy from the pantry... even after my parents said "no."

Always taking time during our visits to talk to just me and find out how things were going in my life and making sure that I knew he was there for me. No matter what. 

Banning texting during dinner visits. He wanted us there. Really there. And he made sure we knew it. 

(Thanksgiving 2010)
My heart hurts and I will be missing him as long as I live. I relate to the words in this poem that President Hinckley wrote shortly before his own death.

What Is This Thing That Men Call Death?

What is this thing that men call death?
This quiet passing in the night?
‘Tis not the end but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light

O God, touch Thou my aching heart
And calm my troubled, haunting fears
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure

Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change
With recompense for vict’ry won
The gift of Him who loved all men
The Son of God, the Holy One.

-Gordon B. Hinckley

I am so thankful to my husband for being a shoulder to cry on and a pillar of strength for me in this difficult time. Also to family for being so supportive of each other. Aunt Debbie for coming all the way from Oklahoma to help care for Grandpa during his last few weeks of life and care for her sisters kids. Aunt Susan, Aunt Sandy, Uncle Rich, Mom and Dad for always being around to lend a hand, no matter the time or day. Keith and Desiree for coming from Oklahoma to see the family for the funeral. Evan and Barbara Murdock for calling just to make sure we were all okay. Gina Arlene for sending her love and prayers our way every time we need them - she never fails to know and we always feel it. All of our friends/family/neighbors/ward members for all of their love and support. I know I've missed people, but know that I love and appreciate all of you for all that you do.

Rest In Peace Grandpa, we'll see you soon.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Washington, Oregon, Weddings, Miracles.

We started our trip on Wednesday and drove from Provo, UT to Nampa, ID. On the road to our hotel we met this little guy:
Not a very good picture. But this Hawk was just chillin' on the side of the road. He was beautiful, and kind enough for us to get close and take pictures.  
We spent the night in Nampa, then got up early and headed out to Lake Oswego, OR to stay Thursday and Friday night. 
Brandi got her endowments on Friday morning, then our friend Kaycy and her sweetheart were sealed in the afternoon with a reception to follow that evening. 

My big brother, Russell got married to his sweetheart Brandi near her home in Washougal, WA on Saturday.

They were Sealed in the morning for time and all eternity in the Portland, OR Temple...

Followed by a luncheon/ring ceremony in Brandi's parent's backyard (which was stunningly landscaped. pics to come.)

Then they had a reception that evening in the church near the home. 

(They will also be having an open house for friends/family here in Utah on September 1st. That, I think, will be another post all on it's own.) 

We started our drive home on Sunday and stopped at Multnomah Falls in Portland on our way out. We didn't go up all the way, but got pretty close. 

It was super crowded, but the falls were absolutely gorgeous. 

We stayed Sunday night in Nampa again, then headed home early Monday morning. 

My sister and brother in law decided to stay and play in Idaho for a little while. They did some shopping in Caldwell, then went and found the twin falls in Twin Falls. 

Unfortunately, on their way home, they hit gravel and wind at just the wrong angle and rolled the car twice. It landed upside down on the other side of the freeway. 

This is their car after the accident.
Thankfully, they were both wearing seat belts and walked away from the accident with only minor cuts and bruises. A miracle we are all so thankful for. 
An EMT came and looked them over and told them they were fine. They had the car towed, then sold it to the tow company and got a ride home with Brett's parents. They arrived home safely today. 

Tiave wasn't able to come to WA with us because he was attending the wedding of his dear friend in Idaho.

He left early Friday morning, attended the sealing, then a luncheon, then made the drive home. It was a long day for him, but he's so glad he was able to make it out there!

My congratulations go to Reef and his new wife! I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I'm so glad Tiave could. And we're both excited to see you when you're in town next week!

A lot of craziness, a lot of fun, a few disasters, and some miracles. All in all, it was a good long weekend. I'm thankful to be home with my sweet husband. I missed him terribly while we were apart. I'm also so thankful that Brandy and Brett made it through their accident and are alive and well today. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

2 down, 1 trimester to go!

We had our 7 month check up today!

Baby Girl is doing great! She's growing growing growing, her lil' heart beat is at 161bpm, and she's definitely a dancer like her daddy. Sometimes I can sit and watch my belly move with her kicks and wiggles for like 30 min at a time. Especially if Daddy is talking to her... or even just in the same room. She loves the sound of his voice.

We got tested for gestational diabetes this morning. They made me drink a thing of sugar water, then drew my blood. They'll test it at the lab today and we'll have the results by tomorrow. They said no news is good news so let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't get any calls from the Dr.'s office tomorrow.

Also, I have a nasty head cold. The kind that makes you feel like you swallowed a rock and your head is stuck in a balloon that's about to pop + a pounding headache. Awesome. Here's what I think of that.

1: Pregnant women should be exempt from getting sick. period. Aren't we dealing with enough already?
2: I wish people hadn't freaked me out so bad about taking meds when you're pregnant. I went in to see the doc today and told the nurse I had a head cold and she asked if I'd taken anything and then scolded me when I told her "no." She agrees pregnant women shouldn't get sick, but the fact is, because our bodies are so busy creating a little person, they sometimes forget to fight off illness and we get sick anyway. Worse than normal. And it sucks. She advised me to go home immediately and take some tylenol and sudafed. I did. I'm feeling much better.
3: Don't think that because of number 2 I'm suddenly going to pop every pill I can think of every time I sneeze. No. Pregnant women should still consult their Dr. about any and all medication they take. Just don't be scared to ask! If you're sick, and herbal remedies aren't working, it's better for you to take the medicine and kick it than run the risk of it getting worse and affecting your baby/pregnancy.

Today Dr. Judd. put a jump start on my anxiety (something he usually avoids,) but he made me realize that  this baby girl is going to get here sooner than we know it and I'm terrified I won't be ready. As far as appts go... we have 1 more 4 week appt, 2 - 2 week appts, and 4 - 1 week appts until she get's here. I'm told once those 2 week appts kick in, time just flies by. And since I already feel like time's been flying... I think we're about to jump into light-speed here. Wish me luck!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Operation Better Wife - Courtesy of Life Crafts & Whatever

I recently came across a new blog

She is upfront, honest, helpful, crafty, family oriented, and downright awesome. I have a new found love, and we don't even know each other. While I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the posts I've come across, perusing today I came across a specific post I just had to share with all of you.

Operation Better Wife.

This is truth, if I've ever heard it. 

And that is all. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bloggers... What Are You Looking for?

Alright my fellow bloggers... I really want to know...
When sifting through the thousands and thousands of blogs on the web... what are you looking for? What about a blog catches your eye?

  • Do you like to read blogs about your friends/family simply to stay updated and in touch with those you don't get to see every day?
  • Do you search for tutorials on food or crafts or painting or gardening or building or... anything?
  • Are you looking for people who relate to you or a certain aspect of your life? i.e. pregnancy, raising kids, college life, etc...
  • Maybe political blogs catch your eye? Keeping up to date on the election and congress and all that jazz?
  • Human Interest pieces maybe? What's going on in the world!
  • Tech blogs? The latest info on all the new gadgets
  • Some rave review perhaps on the most happening restaurants/bars/clubs in town?
  • Or maybe, like me, you're into a little bit of everything?    
And... along with what do you like to read.... What kind of blogs do you like to write? There are so many options out there! As for me, I stick with our story... plain and simple. Because... I write what I know. And that's not a lot.