Blog Description

This is a space for dream words, love words, flying words, fall down, and get up words. First it begins inside your heart. Something moves, opens, frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking it's long silence. This is going to be good. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold. For it is here that we begin to tell our story.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bridal Shower Fun!

A good friend of the family is getting married soon, and I had the opportunity to help plan and attend her purple themed bridal shower over the weekend.

My sister got stuff to put together scrapbook pages for a sign in book to be used at the reception in Portland, OR. Those who will be unable to attend the reception there had the opportunity to make a page and sign it at the shower!
We also had some "Advice for the bride cards" that people filled out and got to stick in an envelope on a scrapbook page. Some of the advice was....


"Don't fight, Get naked"
"Never go to bed angry"

"Always make the bed"

For treats we had... 

Pink Lemonade - homemade

Peanuts - walmart

sixlets - Zurchers

And.... The cake. 
Idea - Pinterest
Execution - Mom and I. 

We used a heart for the bodice, leaves for the sleeves, and free-handed the skirt.

After we got the fondant on, we pulled out the piping tools.

Mom piped the pretty purple flowers, kaycy's name, and border design. 

It all pulled together really well and Kaycy was able to celebrate her engagement with the dear friends she has made here in UT. 

A Big Thank You to everyone to who helped out and all those that attended! And to those who couldn't, we understand :) and we missed you!

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Day At The Lake


Me, Tiave, Dad, and Ryan



Now, before anyone goes judging about how I'm pregnant and how dare I be so reckless on such dangerous machinery.... I talked to my Dr. before I went and got his permission and blessing to go. He said "You'll probably pee you're pants, but as long as you don't throw yourself off at high speed belly first, you'll be fine" So I went.

And we had a blast! Tiave and I took turns driving and Tiave scared me to death with his sharp turns and donuts. My arms are now sore from holding on so tight being so scared, but I wouldn't trade the day for anything! It was so much fun to spend time with family outside in the sunshine and the water!

We'll definitely be going back as often as we can. 

Join us sometime?

P.S. Sorry about the lack of pictures... It's silly to bring a camera on these things.. It would just get ruined. Plus... lake pictures are never cute!

Monday, July 16, 2012

6 Month Check Up

Today was our 6 month check up with Dr. Judd and we got to see our little girl again! She was much more cooperative and we were able to get this cute little profile picture of her:

1 lb. 7 oz.
13 inches from head to toe
48th percentile
and still a precious little girl.

Things discussed and learned today:

1: Weight Gain! I have gained 16lbs so far. 4 months and 9lbs to go to reach my goal.
My Dr. advised me that for my height/weight/age/overall-health I need to gain 25lbs for this pregnancy. Right now having gained 16 and the baby only being 1lb 7oz... you're probably wondering where the other 14ish lbs are coming from. Here's a breakdown of the weight you gain when you get pregnant and how it's all supposed to add up to 25-35lbs at the very end.
  • 7-9lbs of baby
  • 2lbs of placenta
  • 2lbs amniotic fluid
  • 4-5lbs increased blood volume
  • 2lbs uterine enlargement
  • 3-4lbs of fluid in maternal tissue
  • 1lb breast enlargement (to prepare for breastfeeding)
  • Any remaining pounds are a general deposit of fat required by the body for breastfeeding and energy stores. (though if you've gone above what was recommended by your Dr., chances are it's just plain old fat you don't need.) 

2: Pelvic Girdle Pain. The pain in my pelvis that feels like I'm straining a muscle every time I move. It is perfectly normal and will only hurt more as this pregnancy progresses. 
Explanation? your uterus is a lot like a trampoline, and during pregnancy your joints are really loose, so when your baby is hanging out on your uterus, those springs are stretching down and pulling on your loose joints causing pain. The heavier the baby gets, the more it hurts. And no, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 

3: Heartburn and Acid Reflux. This is apparently also very common.
The cause? Heartburn occurs when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus are unable to prevent the stomach acids from passing back into the esophagus. Pregnancy can increase the frequency of heartburn and acid reflux because the hormone progesterone causes the valve to relax. This allows the stomach acid to pass into the esophagus and irritate the lining. Aside from being extraordinarily uncomfortable and obnoxious, if you have acid sitting in your esophagus too long, it can cause some pretty serious damage. The Dr. suggested a few OTC medications to keep it under control. Also I should avoid eating chocolate and Orange Juice and other delicious foods high in acidic content. Boo.

What we get to look forward to:

Sometime in the next few weeks I get to pick a day to have a blood glucose test. How it works:
You're given a bottle of slightly flavored, colored, sugar water that you have to drink in about 5 minutes on an empty stomach and after you drink it, you don't get to eat or drink anything else. An hour after ingesting this tasty drink, you get to go to the lab at the Dr.'s office where they will draw out your freshly sugary blood and test you for gestational diabetes. Test results are done within 24 hours of the blood draw.

After that, our next check up is scheduled for the morning of August 13th. We'll be 7 months along and it should be a fairly routine visit. They'll weigh me, take yet another urine test, and hopefully keep telling me everything is A-okay!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th indeed! We were blessed this year to both have the day off and be able to spend it with great friends!

We started the festivities late on the 3rd by sleeping out on the parade route.

Yes. We actually slept... a little. Our friend Ashley thought she would try to take an embarrassing picture of us... but I think we're cute :) Haha he snuggles me and the baby and he holds my hand while we sleep. The only thing this picture proves, is that we love each other... and I'm a straight up blanket/pillow thief.

We started watching the parade and Tiave warmed up the PHS colorguard. About halway through we all got hungry and made our way to...

We were all super tired, which made for a great show for the other guests.

After IHOP, we all went home, showered, napped, ate again, then joined up one more time for stadium fireworks!!!

Beautiful show!

Thanks to Ashley, Derrick, Jenae, and Nick for making our 4th a memorable one!
Here's to many more great adventures!